Buy Facebook Poker Chips

Diposting oleh Download film streaming on Jumat, 18 Juni 2010

you can buy Facebook poker chips directly through our Facebook
you earn to buy chip of Zynga Poker Here.

2.000.000 chip (2M chip) + ID & Password $2.00 USD (ad for two id)

payment Method:

chip poker 32m
32m+ chip poker for sale id & account (one Id for sale ) Price $25


Guaranteed when happened mistake of money transaction returned.


11 Juli 2010 pukul 00.15


4 Juni 2011 pukul 20.50

info yg sip...
kunjungan kmbali n timakasih,,, :)

25 Juli 2011 pukul 16.57

@anisayu terima kasih sobat


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